Real Estate

The most trusted brokerage in Puerto Vallarta

We love Puerto Vallarta - We are Puerto Vallarta

Find a property that match your needs

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 - PVRPV Real Estate

Whether you are buying a well situated, affordable, year-round home or an upscale, investment property you can retire to, our diligent team of real estate agents will help you find the right place, the right investment for you.

Let PVRPV Real Estate help you choose
the right area, the right building,
the right amenities, the right property.

To start your PVRPV Real Estate
new home search.

Click Here

Let your new investment property help pay for
itself by renting your property to a
global audience through

For more information on
PVRPV's Vacation Rental Services.

Click Here

PVRPV offers a wide range of
maintenance services from weekly inspections
and general repair to paying monthly bills.

For more information on
PVRPV's Property Management Services.

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Real Estate



PVRPV Real Estate is your "One Stop" real estate choice, helping you buy the right investment property, renting your new investment property out to a global audience on the main rental website, and assist you in maintaining your investment property through our wide range of PVRPV Property Management Services, from a simple maintenance and repair contract to a full service rental contract that can include weekly inspections, maintenance, home cleaning, even the paying of monthly bills - a 1, 2, 3 approach!
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Some units Sold by our Team

Why PVRPV Real Estate?

We complement your real estate investment, like 1, 2, 3.

PVRPV's years of expertise as a full service, rental and property management firm sets us apart from other realtors. As the largest vacation rental agency in Puerto Vallarta, established in 2005, PVRPV Real Estate understands the importance of choosing the right investment property.

PVRPV Real Estate is your natural extension if you are looking for your real estate investment to help pay for itself by generating rental income. It is our knowledge of the thriving vacation rental market in Puerto Vallarta, and our experience of managing and promoting more than 500 local properties, that gives us the edge.

We can help you choose the right regional area, the right building, the right amenities, the right services you need to maintain your property. Simply put, PVRPV Real Estate has the right real estate investment strategy.

Featured Rentals



Ready to find the right investment property
in beautiful Puerto Vallarta?

PVRPV Real Estate has a selection of properties to match your requirements.
Please schedule a visit so we can help you find the property that suits your needs.